Why is the government not doing anything to bring down the price of Gas? Is the government in aliance with the oil companies to creat fake crisis to jestify the high prices that we re paying? Who is really getting rich while the rest of us are working extra to pay for the gas? Is the President resposible for helping his oil company friends to get RICHER? IWhy are the Oil companies creating the impression that refining capacity is what is driving up the gas prices?
Possibly because that's a large part of the problem?
Just what is it you think the government is doing to be ';in alliance with the oil companies'; on this? Do you want the government to slap on price controls? Were you driving in the 70's, when people lined up for gas for hours, and you had a hard time getting gas at all for awhile, and wondered if you'd even be able to get to work where public transportation wasn't available? Or are you too young to remember that?
I have a hard time blaming the oil companies when I see all the SUV's and large pickup trucks driving around, and I don't feel too sorry for the person who says they spent over $75 filling up their tank - my Honda's tank, dead empty, doesn't approach that, and I can probably drive farther than the SUV on a full tank.
Good grief, don't you conspiracy theorists ever get tired?
(Geez, I guess my chance for best answer on this one isn't real good...oh well, not my goal).Why are the Oil companies creating the impression that refining capacity is what is driving up the gas prices?
Price is a function of supply and demand and has nothing to do with the government. When capacity (supply) is slow because of plant problems, price rises. It is actually that simple.
Not trying to be rude, but you should review economics and government...I think you are implying that the President has more control over things than he does. He doesn't create laws, prices, or anything else.
Because we still believe in the song and dance from this government. Brazil has been using E85 and Ethanol for almost 60% of their drivers for several years now, and they are still considered a third world country. Please think about all the corn fields in the mid west.
Actually the Governments are doing a lot of things to bring down the price of gas.
For example:
Presidents, Secretaries and other important Government Employees will sell their 2007 Lexus that runs on gasoline and buy a new 2008 Lexus that runs on gasoline AND electricity.
You don't have to buy gasoline.
You can buy a used Honda Insight or a used Toyota Prius.
You can also buy a 1998 (Or newer) Volkswagen Jetta with a diesel engine and never buy another galon of gasoline.
You can find a Biodiesel Station in most cities.
The demand for gasoline is rising and that will drive the price of gasoline to $8.00 USD per galon in a few years.
If enough people buy Diesel cars then the demand for gasoline will drop and that will drive the price of gasoline to $2.00 USD per galon in a few years.
It's just Simple Math.
If you live in a small town and there is not a car for sale with a diesel engine I will sell you one on Ebay and one of my employees will drive it all the way to your town.
Only you can reduce the price of gasoline.
The biggest problem with your question is the simple belief that the government ';should'; do something about gas prices. While I don't pretend to understand the reason for disdain for the president I can certainly correlate it with serveral other ideas that you may also hold dear.
You likely believe that the war in Iraq is just about oil.
You likely believe that health care should be nationalized.
You likely believe that someone in government is responsible for the reduction or outsourcing of your unionized job.
You likely believe that the rich have always been rich and inheritated thier money from thier rich parents, who definitely exploited someone to get all thier money.
All that being said, the ';solution'; to gas prices is not government action. It is the action of markets. Given a chance to work, the market will decrease demand for transportation once the marginal cost (price of gas) outpaces consumers marginal utility for transportation. So, we can generally see that if you or I suddenly think to ourselves, ';hmm... this darn gas is awful expensive and I might be able to catch a ride with someone else today'; or ';hey maybe I'll trade in my old 94 suburban for a new flex-fuel minivan';... (decreasing consumption or switching to a competing good) maybe, just maybe, the price of unleaded will head back down, due to a decrease in demand... kinda like when Pepsi Clear went on clearance b/c it was a dumb idea, but at a lower price... it isn't such a dumb idea anymore.
So... my suggestion to you, is not to blame the government for your problems. It is to take a little personal responsibility, quit driving so much, buy a more fuel efficient car and encourage others to do the same. Then let economics do the rest.
Actually the major problem is that many communities do not want a refinery in their back yard. The tree huggers and their liberal Democratic allies do not want anything that could possibly hurt that toad that only lives in that one creek right beside where they want to build that new refinery....
So if you want to blame anyone, blame the tree huggers and the Democrats. Can't build refineries and can't build new power plants....
And actually, Gasoline prices are just about approaching where they should be according to inflation. Also, a gallon of gas costs a lot less than a gallon of Coca-Cola.
No one likes high gas prices, but the President has nothing to do with the price of gas. And the last damn thing we need is more government control of our lives.
I have said over and over again we are being brained-washed by the powers to be-GREED GREED GREED. The working class keep working harder and the essentials things of life keep rising.
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