Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Can china ware plates be ground and used as blaeching earth in phisical palm oil refining?

Don't know why people feel that they have to post the identical question twice in five minutes . . .

I'm really not sure if using fired/ground china will be effective for bleaching. First you'd have to know if the clay used in making the plates was appropriate, and then you'd have to know if the firing process altered the critical structures in the clay, rendering them ineffective. And how would glazing and sealing the plates alter the critical properties?

Certainly would be an interesting experiment to try it out on a small batch . . . and if it didn't work, you wouldn't have lost too much product.Can china ware plates be ground and used as blaeching earth in phisical palm oil refining?
um huhCan china ware plates be ground and used as blaeching earth in phisical palm oil refining?
your dumb!

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