Friday, December 18, 2009

Why do the same people who criticize outsourcing cause the US to outsource our oil refining?

Canada refine some of our gasoline because environmentalists have made it to hard to build new refineries in the US.Why do the same people who criticize outsourcing cause the US to outsource our oil refining?
Unions are probably the #1 cauase of outsourcing, but liberals are too stupid to realize it.

High wages + high benefits = factories in cheaper countriesWhy do the same people who criticize outsourcing cause the US to outsource our oil refining?
They don't.

There has been only 1 request in 30 years to build new refineries.

And that wasn't to build a new one but to expand an existing one.

Meanwhile many many smaller refineries have been shut down for ';maintenance'; and never reopened.

maybe you should get your facts straight.

Environmentalists are not to blame for a business deciding less supply would make them more money.

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