Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Liberals: Are you willing to support domestic oil production and refining, and the building of Nuclear Plants.

to ease our dependency on foreign oil?Liberals: Are you willing to support domestic oil production and refining, and the building of Nuclear Plants.
Domestic oil production is fine, but let us leave ANWAR out of the conversation as there is not enough oil there to offset the environmental impact. It seems to me that alternatives need to be researched, but with the Bush Administration slash and burn policies on funding university research, that endeavor is going slowly.

If it is worthwhile to the BIG OIL companies to build new refineries with their massive profits, then let them build new refineries that meet the environmental requirements.

I also think that nuclear plants are an option, but there has to be safeguards in developing nuclear energy. Chernobyl demonstrated the danger . . . and near any populated area, that is a challenge that must be met.

Our dependency on foreign oil could be lessened with alternatives. Ethanol isn't one of them. There are coal derivatives available and the mileage available in the VW diesel engines are a couple of measures that could lead the way.Liberals: Are you willing to support domestic oil production and refining, and the building of Nuclear Plants.
The only way nuclear power will substantially affect our oil usage is if we start driving electric cars, since the overwhelming majority of the oil we use is in the form of gasoline.

But I do support well-regulated and unsubsidized nuclear power.

As for domestic drilling... I'm fine with environmentally responsible drilling, but let's be clear: we simply do not have sufficient domestic oil reserves (of light sweet crude) to supply our current needs, no matter where we drill.
I'm not a liberal but just for the purpose of spreading information it should be known that the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is estimated to have over 50 billion drums of oil, enough to end the US's dependency on foreign oil for 30 year, plenty of time to develop new fuels. If we opened just this one area for drilling, it would save the economy and end our dependency on $133 a drum oil.
Only for a while. We need to move toward better energy sources. ANWAR only holds enough fuel to power the country for about 6 months, and nuclear reactors while better than coal powered plants require massive amounts of water to cool them down, thus heating the water.

As a Nevadan too, if you want to build a nuclear power plant stash the waste in your backyard, not in mine. Especially if I do not benefit from the power, Nevada uses the most green energy per capita than any other state.
Domestic oil production...NO won't help a thing

refining....its already being done. there is no incentive for refiners to increase supply and lower their own margin. Ironic isn't it? That high gas prices are a product of free market, that cons keep supporting now they want to support tax money going to build refineries just to bring the prices down, something they would claim is socialism if suggested by a liberal. Sounds like the action of fascists don't it?

Are you cons willing to support fascism just to acquire cheap gas?

Building of nuclear facilities would be a waste of money to corporations until the new generation of nuclear reactors are ready, so it can produce our next fuel source(hydrogen), and nuclear power.

Interesting how little people ranting about this subject actually know what is going on.

Because it isn't liberal and environmentalists, that has caused this problem, but deregulation and consolidation of fuel and energy corporations, that will in the end, always do what is best for their bottom dollar, not everyone else's. Gotta love that unreguated free market aye? Why are you cons crying about it now? It is exactly what you wanted.
I'm not its time we got off of oil that is the problem by supporting domestic oil production we are just delaying the same scenario that is happening now and Nuclear fission plants are unsafe so says almost every nuclear scientist not connected to a nuke plant. We need a national effort to get on renewable sources such as solar, wind, geothermal which don't go up in cost, the wind and sun always cost the same.
when you say ';support domestic oil production and refining';

are you talking about my tax dollars paying for new drilling and new refinery's ?

not unless I'm getting some stock options.

oil business got record profits they can build there own damn wells and refinery's.

same goes for nuke power they can build all they want but if We are paying for it then We should have no electric bills.

not sure what this has to do with Liberals since you know we had a republican congress from 1994 through 2006

and republican president 2000 -- present

I don't think they want new anything since they seem to be making out just fine the way things are.
you mean Canada?... because they are the number one foreign supplier to the USA... As for oil production.. It is not the Liberals that are abating or interrupting the refining process.. no no. You need a history lesson, a brief one.


as for more drilling in the US.. if we didn't export so much we wouldn't need any foreign oil at all.. bet you didn't know this either? http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0922041.h鈥?/a>

check that list we're number three in production already.. so why is it we pay so friggin much?.. because it's much more profitable to sell our oil over seas and then buy cheaper oil from Canada, Venezuela, OPEC etc.. although we supply ourselves with about 85% of what we use.. Peak oil is still 50 years off.. so in reality, coupled to the fact that there is more oil stockpiled right now, than at any time in the last 15 years, the Oil companies are posting ridiculous..shameful profits and the consumer has no choice but to pay for it with their shriveling dollar.. all with an Oil man and his energy Lobby crony's at the helm...

Liberal????.... I'm sorry but you'll have to sell that crap somewhere else.

oh and ';Nukular' energy as ';W'; calls it.. is also a bad idea, when you figure out a safe way to get rig of the waste it might make sense in the meanwhile it sounds like you are just repeating what you've heard and you don't have a clue of what you are talking about...
Yes, I support building nuclear power plants. We are getting left in the dust by other countries around the world because haven't built a new nuclear power plant in such a long time.
No, the liberals are adamantly opposed to nuclear power --- unless it's for Iran, then it's okay.
When you republican compassionate conservatives promote a Universal Health Care Plan that will enable all Americans to have comprehensive health care.
Your elected officials;who are our employees;YES! Our employees won't let it happen. Their souls are bought and paid for. It's time we the Bosses;fire all the employees, and take back our company-The United States of America.
I have to say good question! I for one am... of course I don't answer to the liberal call. *sigh* I shouldn't have answered, bad me!!!
Sure, as long as it is not in any of our national wildlife preserves.
no... i want ethanol... no matter how much it wrecks food prices. The atmosphere is more important.
If it is done responsibly, yes.

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